Business First - October 2021


Ward Gethin Archer are pleased to announce the latest digital edition of our popular 'Business First' publication for October.

Business First - October 2021 Image

As we go to press the success of the Coronavirus vaccines have given businesses and individuals freedom and confidence to tackle the uncertainness of the “new normal.” Covid has shaped almost everything about the way we work and this is likely to continue through the winter and beyond. Ward Gethin Archer is here to offer legal support and advice when you need it, keeping you up-to-date with the latest developments and helping your business to navigate these difficult times.

In this packed Business First we take a look at the legal responsibilities for employers when considering hybrid working, considerations for employers navigating the end of furlough and a short guide for businesses on creating a more sustainable future.

We have options to view on desktop computer, tablet, smart-phone and even to download a PDF. Please visit the link below to view:

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