More than any other time of the year, January is a month when families decide to separate. For most, this will be their first experience of separation, and they will start searching for help and advice about where to turn for help to resolve issues - who will the children live with? What will happen with money?
England’s third national lockdown doesn’t make it any less likely that people will be asking these questions. If anything, it simply adds to confusion, or uncertainty, about what services might be available. People may not be sure where to turn.
This is why Ward Gethin Archer’s Mediation Service is supporting Family Mediation Week. Run by the Family Mediation Council, it takes place from 18 to 22 January and aims to provide answers by sharing information about the mediation process. Mediation can help families consider what is best for their future, and is available online to help them during the coronavirus pandemic.
Ward Gethin Archer offer fixed fees for mediation and COVID safe remote appointments.
Contact us today to see how we can help you and your family.
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