Had an Accident on Public Transport?


Many people travel by public transport every day, whether it be for example bus, train, or tube. You may be using public transport to go to work, shopping or to go on holiday.

For whatever reason you are using public transport, if the transport you are on has an accident and in turn you suffer an injury, at no fault of your own, you may well have a claim. The transport company owes a duty of care to all its passengers.

If you have a valid claim you will be able to claim for your financial losses flowing from the accident, some examples of such losses are: loss of wages for taking sick days due to your injury, recovery of damage to clothing, medical bills and travel to treating medics. You will also be able to claim for your personal injury.

Other modes of transport may also be included. But beware accidents on boats/ferries and planes may well come under different limitations periods with regards when you have to have brought a valid claim  before the Court. Instead of a three year period in which to bring your claim you may well find you only have two years in which to bring a claim.

As of law all buses first used on or after October 1st 2001 and travelling long distances must be installed with seatbelts by their manufacturer. This law does not unfortunately apply to buses used in urban areas with standing passengers.

If you or someone you know has sustained injuries whilst on public transport then it is likely that you can make a no win no fee personal injury claim. The claim can either be brought against the company with which you were travelling or the party that caused the accident.

Please contact our Personal Injury Team on 01553 660033 to discuss any potential claim you believe  that you might have.

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