You may wish to remortgage your property to release funds to buy out another co-owner or raise cash for an alternative investment or you may just be switching lenders to get a better deal. Whatever the reason, we are here to help you achieve your aim.
You may wish to remortgage your property to release funds to buy out another co-owner or raise cash for an alternative investment or you may just be switching lenders to get a better deal. Whatever the reason, we are here to help you achieve your aim.
It is important to note that we will be acting for you as well as your chosen lender in most cases. The lender may require us to carry out searches against the property and advise them on other matters for example whether there have been any alterations to the property and if so that they have all of the relevant local authority consents. This will be the case even if you have lived a the property for many years.
Sometimes a lender may appoint their own solicitor to act separately for them in which case they will require a number of documents in order to proceed. Our collective experience will ensure that we can help you gather together all of the necessary information to allow your remortgage to proceed.
We will:
Provide you with a fixed fee quotation - so that you can make sure you have taken into account all the costs you will incur.
Provide your quote by telephone, post or email (click here to contact us for a quote)
Explain how the process works
Give you updates using your preferred method of contact at every stage of the transaction
Provide you with a dedicated conveyancer so that you aren’t speaking to a team of different people but have someone that will be with you all the way to completion.
Explain any legal issues and give you advice and options about how we resolve those issues in your best interests.
What we will need from you:
Your identity documents – we have an obligation as part of the anti-money laundering legislation to check the identity of all clients instructing us in property transactions. We use either an online company to assist securely with our checks or you can attend one of our offices in person with your documents for us to verify.
An idea of your timescale for the remortgage, we do try to work with your expectations for the timing of the transaction but it is important to bear in mind that we will be reliant on the mortgage offer and in some cases the mortgage lenders solicitor.